IT online Exam

Thursday, 15 February 2024

JavaScript Programs - HSC | Std 12th Science-IT online Exam - March 2024

JavaScript Programs for IT online Exam - March 2024


JavaScript Programs

1. Write a JavaScript code to change background color of document area at run time, use onmouseup event handler of button.

2. Write a JavaScript code to check number entered in textbox contains only numbers(digits, comma allowed) using inbuilt JavaScript function. If not display message not a number.

3. Write JavaScript code to print division of 2 numbers.

4. Write JavaScript code when user click on button, it will display sum of even numbers from 1 to 10.

5. Write JavaScript code to accept a number and display the cube of a given number when mouse is placed over button.

6. Write JavaScript code to accept two numbers and display the largest number.

7. Write an even driven JavaScript program to display length of the text "Information Technology" on click of a button.

8. Write an even driven JavaScript program to display table of accepted number. (E.g. 2x1=2  2x2=4 )

9. Write an event driven JavaScript program to accept 2 numbers and display which number is greater.

10. Write an event driven JavaScript program to accept a base and height and display perimeter of a parallelogram. (Hint Perimeter of parallelogram = 2 x base + 2 x height)

11. Write an event driven Javascript program to accept three numbers and display addition and multiplication of the numbers.

12. Write an event driven JavaScript program to call a function after 2000 milliseconds and display text 'Hello'

13. Write an event driven JavaScript program to display factorial of number 23 when mouse is moved on the button.

14. Write an event driven JavaScript program to display number sequence from 100 to 500 when the mouse is moved over a button.

15. Write an event driven JavaScript program to display square of a number and cube of an accepted number on click of a button.

16. Write an event driven JavaScript program to display square of numbers from 2 to 10 on click of a button.

17. Write JavaScript code to print factorial of accepted number.

18. Write JavaScript code to print multiplication table of 3.

JS Programs with solutions

1.Write JavaScript code to print subtraction of 2 numbers.

   <title>JS program to subtract two numbers</title>

    var n1, n2, diff;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
    alert("Subtraction - " + diff);

2.Write JavaScript code to print addition of 2 numbers.

   <title>JS program to add two numbers</title>

    var n1, n2, sum;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
    alert("Sum- " + sum);

3.Write JavaScript code to print multiplication of 2 numbers.

   <title>JS program to multiply two numbers</title>

    var n1, n2, prod;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
    alert("Product - " + prod);

4.Write JavaScript code to print division of 2 numbers.

   <title>JS program to divide two numbers</title>

    var n1, n2, q;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
    alert("Division - " + q);

5.Write JavaScript code to print addition, subtraction, multiplication & division of 2 numbers.

   <title>JS program to add, subtract, multiply, divide two numbers</title>

    var n1, n2, s,d,m,q;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
    document.write("<br>Sum - " + s);
    document.write("<br>Difference - " + d);
    document.write("<br>Product - " + m);
    document.write("<br>Division - " + q);

6.Write JavaScript code to display area of circle, accept value from user.
7.Write JavaScript code to print area of triangle.

   <title>JS program to calculate area of circle</title>

    var r, area;
    r=parseInt(prompt("Enter radius of the circle:"));
    alert("Area - " + area);

8.Write JavaScript code to calculate the average of three numbers.

   <title>JS program to calculate average of three numbers</title>

    var n1, n2, n3 avg;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
    n3=parseInt(prompt("Enter third number:"));
    alert("Average - " + avg);

9.Write JavaScript code to print perimeter of rectangle.

   <title>JS program to calculate perimeter of rectangle</title>

    var length, breadth, p;
    length=parseInt(prompt("Enter length of the rectangle:"));
    breadth=parseInt(prompt("Enter breadth of the rectangle:"));
    alert("Perimeter- " + p);

10.Write JavaScript code to print perimeter of trapezium.

   <title>JS program to calculate perimeter of trapezium</title>

    var a, b, c, d, p;
    a=parseInt(prompt("Enter length of the first side of trapezium:"));
    b=parseInt(prompt("Enter length of the second side of trapezium:"));
    c=parseInt(prompt("Enter length of the third side of trapezium:"));
    d=parseInt(prompt("Enter length of the fourth side of trapezium:"));
    alert("Perimeter - " + p);

11.Write JavaScript code to check whether the number is odd or even.

   <title>JS program to check number is odd or even</title>

    var n;
    n=parseInt(prompt("Enter a number:"));
        alert("Number is even");
        alert("Number is odd");

12. Write JavaScript code to enter two values and display the largest.

   <title>JS program to find largest number</title>

    var n1, n2;
    n1=parseInt(prompt("Enter first number:"));
    n2=parseInt(prompt("Enter second number:"));
       alert("Larger number - " + n1);
        alert("Larger number - " + n2);


13. Write JavaScript code to print multiplication table of 3.

   <title>JS program to print multiplication table of 3</title>

    var n=3, i;
    document.write("Multiplication table of 3");
        document.write("<br>"+n+" * "+i+" = "+n*i);

14.Write JavaScript code to print numbers from 1 to 10.

   <title>JS program to print numbers from 1 to 10</title>

    var i;
    document.write("Numbers from 1 to 10");

15.Write JavaScript code to print sum of 50 natural numbers.

   <title>JS program to print sum of 50 natural numbers.</title>

    var i, sum=0;
    document.write("Sum of numbers from 1 to 50");
    document.write("<br>Sum - "+sum);

16.Write JavaScript code to print all even numbers from 10 to 50.

   <title>JS program to print even numbers from 10 to 50</title>

    var i;
    document.write("Even Numbers from 10 to 50");

17.Write JavaScript code when user click on button, it will display sum of even numbers from 1 to 10.

   <title>JS program to print sum of even numbers.</title>
function display_sum() {    
    var i, sum=0;
    document.getElementById("disp").innerHTML = "Sum of even numbers from 1to10 - " + sum;


<input type="button"  name="disp_sum" value="Display Sum" onclick="display_sum()">

<p id="disp">   </p>


18.Write JavaScript code to print all odd numbers from 50 to 100.

   <title>JS program </title>

<h1>JS program to print odd numbers from 50 to 100</h1>
    var i;
    document.write("Odd Numbers from 50 to 100");

19.Write JavaScript code to print factorial of 7 on button click.

   <title>JS program - factorial of number</title>
function display_factorial(num) {    
      var i, f = 1;
      for (i = num; i >= 1; i--) {
    document.getElementById("disp").innerHTML = "Factorial of 7 - " + f;

<h1>JS program to print factorial of number</h1>
<input type="button"  name="disp_fact" value="Display Factorial" onclick="display_factorial(7)">

<p id="disp">   </p>


20.Write JavaScript code to print square of a accepted number.

   <title>JS program to display square of a number</title>

    var n, r;
    n=parseInt(prompt("Enter a number:"));
    alert("Square - " + r);

21.Write JavaScript code to count length of accepted string after click on the button.
   <title>JS program</title>
function display_length() {    
    var str, len;
    str = form1.str_box.value;
    len = str.length;
    document.getElementById("disp").innerHTML = "Length of String  - " + len;

<h1>JS program to print length of string</h1>
<form name="form1">
    <input type="text" name="str_box" size=50> 
    <input type="button"  name="disp_strlen" value="Display Length" onclick="display_length()">
<p id="disp">   </p>


22.Write JavaScript code to accept two dates and find the difference in those dates.

   <title>JS program</title>
function display_diff() {    
    var d1, d2, diff;
    d1 = new Date(form1.date1.value);
    d2 = new Date(form1.date2.value);
    diff = (d2 - d1) / (1000 * 3600 * 24);
    document.getElementById("disp").innerHTML = "Difference of dates in days  - " + diff;

<h1>JS program to display difference between dates</h1>
<form name="form1">
    <input type="date" name="date1"> 
    <br> <br>
    <input type="date" name="date2"> 
    <br> <br>
    <input type="button"  name="disp_diff" value="Display Difference" onclick="display_diff()">
<p id="disp">   </p>


23.Write JavaScript code to take a input of string and reverse the string in output.
   <title>JS program - revverse of string</title>
function display_reverse(str) {    
    var newstr;
    newstr = str.split("").reverse().join("")
    document.write("Reverse of String  - " + newstr);
<h1>JS program to reverse a string</h1>
    var s;
    s = prompt("Input a string");

24.Write JavaScript code to input 3 digit number and find sum and product of its digit of the number use onblur event for the program.

25.Write JavaScript code to print factorial of accepted number.

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